today i tested out the capabilities so far developed in the MT35 casiotone synthesizer and it goes like this...
**This is not a song so don't expect it to be too harmonious.
soon the mix of that !!!!!
viernes, agosto 21, 2009
jueves, agosto 20, 2009

because they always improve, they're never enough, and they will keep giving you headaches, the upgrades are always fun.
Casiotone MT35 still a long trip.
sábado, agosto 01, 2009
gracias Sam por ayudarme con la cámara!.
circuit bending,
circuit bent toy,
easy circuit bending
║newborn ░ ║
I found this piano toy in a flea market for $5.00 mxn ($.50c USD) and decided to play with it. So far I have added 3 more styles of sound, the long tone, the short, and the distortion. I didn't have any switches and didn't care to buy some, i decided to use some old christmas lights to try it. Added a green LED for "on", a turn on/off switch (which is going to be replace for one on the top of the case), and the next step is to add a 3.5 mm audio output.
Encontré este piano de juguete en un "sobreruedas" (tianguis) por 5 pesos y dedicí jugar con él. Hasta el momento le añadi 3 estilos diferentes de sonido, el tono largo, el corto y la distorción. No tenía ningun tipo de switch, usé luces de unas serie de luces navideñas para probar. Le añadí una luz LED verde para indicar el encendido, un apagador (el cual será replazado por uno sobre la superficie de la cobertura), y el siguiente paso es añadir una salida de audio de 3.5 mm.
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